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Known for it warm weather, energetic festivities, tropical rain forests, and miles of beautiful beaches, who could resist the temptation for a fun filled vacation . 

Major Cities

Major Airports

Whats on the Menu

Feijoda is a typical Brazilian food. You will find that it is traditionally served on Wednesday, Saturday afternoon or Sunday's lunch depending on the region. It is made with different parts of beef and pork (could include parts like ears, tongue, feet) cooked in a stew of beans. According to history this dish was developed by the slaves mainly consisting of the leftovers from the household that they worked.
Coxinha (co-shee-nya) is a Brazilian snack made with a chicken filled inside (possibly cream cheese) , a flour based dough on the outside, crusted with breadcrumbs and deep fried. You can find these served at a local bakery or even a party occasion (just in smaller sizes).
Flan, made from eggs, caramel, hardened sugar, and condensed milk, you will not beable to pass this up come desert. This is a staple in Latina American countries, includeing European countries as well like Spain, France, and Portugal. .
Chicken hearts are commonly found as a treat at a Brazilian BBQ. This is a special treat that most brazilian have been eating since they were a small child. Although it may be hard for American to get used to the taste and texture, it should still be tried if the oppertunity should arise.
Known in America as top sirloin, you will find this cut of meat everywhere in Brazil and not just the BBQ Rodizio. Served with a generous portion a fat still attached this meat will make any Brazilian like the lips just to think about it. It can also be found in the U.S, but you may have to go to a Spanish or Brazilian supermarket.
Pao de Queijo or cheese bread is a perfect snack . Cooked quickly at a bakery or at ome these will be great finger foods for any visitng friends or family.
Brigadeiro is a sweetenjoyed by all. There are different variation of this treat made with condensed milk heated up and hand rolled before being dipped in chocolate sprinkles , coconut, strawberry, cookies and cream or whatever else you want to roll it in. These treats are sure to be a hit with the kids as well as adults.